
by gaeasky66




















Early Winter


Old Moon


Wolf Moon


Moon After Yule, Ice Moon


Mid Winter





Hunger Moon


Hunger Moon, Storm Moon, Candles Moon


Late Winter


Lenten Moon


Worm Moon


Crow Moon, Crust Moon, Sugar Moon, Sap Moon, Chaste Moon, Death Moon


Early Spring


Egg Moon


Pink Moon


Sprouting Grass Moon, Fish Moon, Seed Moon, Waking Moon


Mid Spring


Milk Moon


Flower Moon


Corn Planting Moon, Corn Moon, Hare’s Moon


Late Spring


Honey Moon蜂蜜月

Strawberry Moon


Rose Moon, Hot Moon, Planting Moon


Early Summer


Mead Moon


Buck Moon


Thunder Moon, Mead Moon


Mid Summer


Grain Moon


Sturgeon Moon


Red Moon, Green Corn Moon, Lightning Moon, Dog Moon


Late Summer


Fruit Moon


Harvest Moon


Corn Moon, Barley Moon


Early Fall




Hunter’s Moon


Travel Moon, Dying Grass Moon, Blood Moon


Mid Fall





Beaver Moon


Frosty moonSnow moon


Late Fall


Snow Moon


Cold Moon


Frost Moon , Moon Before Yule





  The Celtic Tree Calendar comes from legend, lore and modern calculations.凱爾特樹月曆來自傳說,Some scholars suggest it was created by the Druids.有的學者認為它是由德魯伊。古老的凱爾特祭司族群,他們是一個偉大而古老的族群,利用樹的智慧以及力量建立整個國度,據說擁有超級強大的魔法力量,可以將整個島隱藏起來。


  Samhain has long been referred to as the “Celtic New Year”.Samhain一直被稱為凱爾特新年 And many believe the calendar starts here.而許多人認為的日曆從這裡開始。It’s important to remember that the change of days begins at sunset, and not at 12 midnight as the solar calendar represents.重要的是要記住,一年的開始在日落,而不是在午夜12時為陽曆代表。 For instance, October 28th doesn’t begin at midnight, it begins at sunset on the 27th.例如:1028日午夜開始並沒有,它開始在日落27日。而凱爾特樹曆也確實是28天為一個月,其中12/23則是在時間之外,稱為黑暗日,而一年也剛好是365天。


The following is a list of the basic Tree months and their characteristics.下面是一個列表的基本樹月曆,以及他們的特點。

1. 1 Reed – October 28 – November 24 –蘆葦十月28日至1124

  • The Ogham: Ngetal歐甘文:Ngetal
  • Although not a tree but a grassy plant, it’s associated with Samhain.是草地植物,它的關聯與Samhain
  • The Reed Moon says winter is approaching.冬天即將來臨。 It’s a month to turn our energies toward hearth and home.這是一個月來把我們的精力獻給爐灶和家庭。
  •  And it symbolizes fidelity family, and trust.它象徵著忠誠的家庭和信任。
  • Reeds are burned to honor household spirits and the GreatSpirits.蘆葦用來燒毀代表家庭的精神和GreatSpirits It can also be associated with the family or Traditions deity.
  • Reeds may be placed throughout the home, especially around the gathering area.蘆葦可放在整個家庭,尤其是圍繞村落。 Be that the hearth or kitchen, it’s designed to bring the blessings of unity to your family.
  • It’s characteristics include spiritual progress, hunger for truth, introspection and protection.它的特點包括精神文明的進步,探索真理,反省和保護。

2. 2 Elder – November 25 – December 22 –接骨木– 1125號至1222

  • The Ogham: Ruis歐甘文:Ruis
  • The Elder Moon represents the darkest days of the year.這個月代表了一年中最黑暗的日子。
  • The day after the end of the Elder Moon month, before the start of the Birch Moon, is no month at all, but an “in between” day. Some see this as the actual day of the Gods rebirth.一些人認為這與實際天的神重生。
  • The Elder Moon’s characteristics include death and regeneration, the Mother phase of the Goddess, wisdom, transformation, and the Underworld.這個月的特點包括死亡和再生,老母親階段的女神,智慧,轉換和冥界。 Indicative of the Gods rebirth.
  • The Elder tree shows the path through the maze, the spiral path that leads within, and the meeting place where birth and death are one.通過迷宮,螺旋路徑,最後瞭解出生和死亡是一體的。



3. 3 Birch – December 24 – January 20 – 樺木– 1224日至一月20

  • The Ogham: Beth歐甘文:Beth
  • The birch tree is a totem tree of Celtic shamans.樺樹樹是一種圖騰象徵凱爾特巫師。 It is seen as the “World Tree,” the axis upon which the universe spins upon.
  • It’s long been associated with the Winter Solstice.The first to sprout up on new ground at the edge of the wood, the Birch breaks down the soil so that the less hardy trees can spread their roots and thrive after the cold of winter.這是地面上第一萌芽的樹木,樺木打破了土壤。
  • 特性與樺樹包括生育,創造,清洗,淨化,出生和重生。
  • The twigs of a witch’s broom are most often made of birch which is thought to remove energetic garbage, or unwanted energies from any sacred space.樺木常做成巫婆的掃帚,清除負面能量,或需要沉重能量的神聖空間。

4. 4 Rowan – January 21 – February 17 – 花楸– 121號至二月17

  • The Ogham: Luis歐甘文:Luis
  • Also know as the Mountain Ash, it’s a tool often used for divination.也稱為山梣,它是一個工具,通常用於占卜。 Collect rowan sprigs during the Rowan Moon to charge divination exercises.
  • The Druids inscribed symbols onto rowan rods.These were scattered about as a question was asked, and the varied patterns created by the fallen sticks determined the answer.This tree is also associated with the festival for Imbolc.此樹也與節日Imbolc相關。 It’s a member of the apple family, and if you cut across the berries horizontally, a tiny, pentagram-shaped seed container will be revealed.
  • The Rowan’s characteristics are protection, magik, intuition, a protector against enchantment, and as a guard of the sacred gateways into the Otherworld.羅文的特點是保護,魔法,直覺,保護結界,未來的神聖守護到來世。
  • Leafy twigs, bound with red ribbon were often placed in stables and paddocks to protect livestock.將與紅絲帶往往放在馬厩和牧場,保護牲畜。

5. 5 Ash – February 18 – March 17 – 二月18日至317

  • The Ogham: Nuin歐甘文:Nuin
  • To the Celts, the Ash represents balance, spiritual knowledge and wisdom.梣代表平衡,精神的知識和智慧。 The ash is a strong wood, and even its most slender limbs are hard to break.
  • 梣是一種強硬的木材,甚至其最纖細的四肢都難以砍斷。
  • When an ash is cut, it releases a red sap resembling blood.當梣被切斷,它會釋放一個紅色的汁液如同血。 Thus it’s often associated with the energy of life.
  • 往往用來增強生命能量。
  • Because the characteristics of the Ash include spiritual knowledge and wisdom it’s a great source to use for a magikal wand.Ash is also used for the shaft of a witch’s broom stick.梣也可用來做巫婆的掃帚。
  • In Norse mythology Yggdrasil was a Great Ash Tree, also known as the Tree of Life.在北歐神話 Yggdrasil是一個偉大的梣樹,又被稱為生命之樹。

The wide-spreading roots of the Ash are said to extend to various regions of the world.

6. 6 Alder – March 18 – April 14 – 愷木– 318日至414

  • The Ogham: Fearn歐甘文:Fearn
  • The psychically potent alder tree has been used to summon spirits from the Otherworld and to bring about desired weather patterns, particularly storms or rain.內層強而有力的榿木樹被用來召喚神靈的降臨。
  • 帶來所需的天氣狀況,特別是風暴或大雨。
  • The Alder represents defense and protection, yet it has a watery intuitive side as well.榿木代表的防禦和保護。
  • European folklore recommends the alder trees must never be cut or their power will return to the ground.歐洲民間傳說建議榿木樹絕不被砍下來不然他們的力量將返回地面。 If you find a small alder branch that has fallen to the earth, it’s a great gift from the tree.
  • 如果你發現一個小分枝,這是一個偉大的禮物從樹上。 So decorate it as a wand and consecrate it to use in weather rituals.

Choose a sunny day during the alder moon to consecrate a weather wand.

7. 7 Willow – April 15 – May 12 – – 415日至512

  • The Ogham: Saille歐甘文:Saille
  • The Willow Moon is a time to heal spiritual and physical ills.柳月是一個絕佳時間用來療癒精神和身體的問題。
  • The willow tree has been used for many magikal rituals through out the ages.柳樹已用於許多魔法儀式好幾千年。 It has long been known as a healer of great power.
  • 它一直被認為是一個醫者的偉大力量。
  • It’s characteristics denote clairvoyance, intuition and balanced emotions.它的特點表示洞察力,直覺和平衡情緒。

8. 8 Hawthorn – May 13 – June 9 – 山楂五月13日至69

  • The Ogham: Huath歐甘文:Huath
  • Hawthorn, or whitethorn, is associated with the festival of Bealtaine and fairies.山楂,與節日 Bealtaine和仙女有強烈連結。
  • Both Celts and Wiccans believe it’s unlucky to bring hawthorn blossoms indoors.山楂常常象徵精靈的夢幻仙境能量。
  • The Hawthorn is associated with the bridal link of the Maiden Goddess and her uninhibited sexuality, typical of spring.將山楂是與新娘還有女神連結,典型的愛情能量。

9. 9 Oak – June 10 – July 7 – 橡樹六月10日至七月七日

  • The Ogham: Duir歐甘文:Duir
  • Oak is often associated with the summer solstice.橡樹是往往與夏至相關。 It’s characteristics represents strength, endurance, fortitude, fatherhood, the God and loyalty.
  • 它的特點代表著力量,耐力,毅力,父親,上帝和忠誠度。
  • The oak tree is also the “door” between the light and dark halves of the year.橡樹也是代表之間的光明與黑暗的一年半。 The oaken doorway is a gateway to the Otherworld.
  • 門口的橡木是通往來世。 Often used as protection for the door between the safety of home and hearth and the outside world.
  • 通常用作保護門之間的安全的家庭和壁爐和外面的世界。 A practice still used today.
  • The oak is sacred to the Druids because of its tendency to attract lightening, survive the strikes, and regenerate afterwards.橡樹是神聖的德魯伊。
  • The Oak Moon can be used to renew commitments to deities, spiritual path or between partners.橡樹月可以用來更新的承諾,尋找神之力量,或合作夥伴之間互相信任。

10. 10 Holly – July 8 – August 4 – 冬青– 78日至八月4

  • The Ogham: Tinne歐甘文:Tinne
  • The Holly tree guards the door to the inner realms and is associated with Lammas.冬青樹守衛的大門內的領域,並與收穫節Lammas連結。
  • It’s characteristics include courage, war-like instinct, male sexuality and male energy.它的特點包括勇氣,戰爭般的本能,男性性慾和男性的能量。 Perfect for the battle between the 2 king of the year.
  • Just as the Holly and Oak kings battled at Yule, they again battle for supremacy now; but this time it’s the Holly King, God of the Waning year, who wins the fight.

11. 11 Hazel – August 5 – September 1 – 榛樹八月5日至91

  • The Ogham: Coll歐甘文:Coll
  • The hazel tree is used for making divining rods, for protection from storms and as emblems of authority for Druid priests.榛子樹用於製作占卜棒,帶來風暴和保護力量。
  • The tree was seen as feminine in nature and with the Hazel Moon falling at the end of autumn it came to represent the growing wisdom as the Goddess gradually grows from living mother to wise old crone.榛樹被視為女性的性質,並與榛月來到秋天代表成長的智慧女神的成熟。
  • Hazel is associated with mental alertness, quickness, agility, calculation and measurement, divination, poetry and creativity.榛樹是代表精神的警覺性,速度,敏捷,占卜​​,詩歌和創造性。
  • Dowsing rods are typically made from hazel wood.它們被用來尋找水和地脈的能量。

12. 12 Vine – September 2 – September 29 – 葡萄藤九月2號至929

  • The Ogham: Muin歐甘文:Muin
  • The Vine Moon bridges the Autumn Equinox and takes us into the dark time of the year.葡萄藤月進入秋分,帶領我們進入黑暗的一年時間。 Therefore many associate the vine with looking inward to find the creativity within ourselves.
  • 與向內看並發現自己的創造力有關。
  • The vine is associated with the festivals of Mabon and the Autumn Equinox.葡萄藤是與節日 Mabon和秋分相關。 Its characteristics include prophecy, psychic development, tenacity, unification and ecstasy.
  • 其特點包括預言,通靈,韌性,合一和狂喜。

13. 13 Ivy – September 30 – October 27 – 常春藤– 930日至10月二十七號

  • The Ogham: Gort歐甘文:Gort
  • Although not a tree, ivy is so resilient and strong that it’s used as a binding tool in many magikal systems.常春藤是如此的堅韌和強大,它的使用作為一項具有約束力的工具。
  • Ivy may be used to exorcise that which we wish to banish or to unite like-minded people.常春藤可以用來驅除那些我們希望驅逐或拒絕結合的人。
  • Ivy is often burned as a tool for banishment or closure at the end of rituals, to remove any energies that maybe left over or unwanted.常春藤是經常被焚燒,尤其在儀式最後驅逐或關閉。
  • There is great wisdom in ivy, and it’s one of the plants most sacred to the Goddess.大智慧的常春藤,最神聖的植物女神。 Places where ivy grows in abundance are said to be filled with her dark, enthralling mystery.
  • 常春藤生長的地方充滿了她的黑暗,迷人的神秘面紗。






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