很多人在我回來之後看到我的一些改變,問我:「是否在回國之後可以幫助大家重拾最根本的或是也幫助我們提升呢?是否可以舉辦一些活動讓我們無法去的人也一起提升?」這也是我最開心想要分享的過程,我在深度靜心中聽從神聖的指引,好不容易邀請了 Amy Yen這位國際知名的合一訓練師來幫助更多人覺醒,所以安排了合一覺醒的課程讓更多人能成為Deeksha Giver去幫助自己以及更多周圍的人,也安排了最能夠幫助大家轉化和覺醒的奉愛瑜珈合一祝福工作坊和奉愛瑜珈合一祝福之夜,但是在這些活動開始之前,想要在這裡,先跟大家分享這次去印度課程中所認識的一位加拿大很活躍的合一傳導師Chip Burgess所分享的體會文稿給大家,讓大家對自我的Antaryamin有所認識,先釐清自己與自我分離的狀態,去省察之後,相信對你內在的覺察會是非常重要的過程。當你意識到自己這種與內在大我的分離感,也許你真的需要來參加合一覺醒的課程幫助自己與內在重新整合,這個課程也可以檢視是什麼原因造成你與自己如此長久的失衡。
Namaste Everyone!大家好!
My Antaryamin and Me…If you have taken any of the Oneness Programs you will have been introduced to the concept of the Antaryamin, or ‘in-dweller’….the part of the Divine that lives within us; our ‘personal-Divine’. However, as fundamental as this concept is to generating a strong connection with the Divine, it also seems to be the most challenging for many of us to grasp. This is especially so for those of us who grew up in a Judeo-Christian culture where the Divine is usually portrayed as something outside of ourselves; a force that guides and comforts us, and which created us, but which is separate from us. However, there is a different concept which posits that everything in existence is a manifestation of the Divine…not in the sense that the Divine created it, as a painter paints a painting, but rather, the Divine IS that which is created, like a tree growing a branch and leaves. While each part of the tree may seem separate when viewed narrowly, each part is none-the-less integral to the whole and can’t survive without the life force that flows through every part of the tree.
我的內在的大我 (Antaryamin) 與我 你如果有參與過任何合一課程,你應該聽過相關內在的大我( Antaryamin) 或內在的原動力 “in-dweller” 概念的介紹 — 我們內在的神性; 我們 “自我的神性”。雖說這概念很簡單只要跟這神性連結, 但同時間對我們許多人來說卻也是最具挑戰性的。 從小生長在猶太教或基督教文化信念中所深信的神性是外在的; 是一股引導與安慰我們的強大力量,它也是創造我們的力量, 但跟我們是分開的。無論如何,這是個不同的理念斷定神造一切; 這不是像畫家畫製的一幅平凡的畫,而是被創造出的就是神性, 是好比一棵樹長了支幹與樹葉。雖說每個個體可以細分名項, 最終每個個體卻是節節相關的一體, 寄附於那流注每個環節的生命力。
Similarly, we are not only creations of the Divine, we are individualized expressions of the Divine…like the leaves on a tree we are not separate from the Divine, we ARE the Divine. This may be difficult to accept for many, but it is the truth. In our unawakened state, we are unable to see this. We feel separate from the Divine (and from our friends, family, and the environment), but in fact, like so many leaves on a tree, we are all manifestations of one Divine Consciousness, inter-connected with all of Creation. The life force flowing through my body is the same life force that flutters the wings of a butterfly in the Amazon rain forest. This Divinity is within each and every one of us and it bonds us all together in the Oneness of ‘All-That-Is’. An ‘awakened’ person is essentially someone who can see this Divinity…it becomes their experience of life; it becomes their Truth. From this perspective, everything is Divine and thus everything is perfect exactly as it is. There is no judgement or need to change…there is only peace, acceptance and wonder. For the rest of us, our inherent Divinity remains a concept trapped in our minds. We may catch glimpses of it, but they are fleeting, and once they have passed we drift back to feeling separate and apart….and alone.
同樣的,我們不只是神所創造出來的,而且還是有神性的個別表現。就像樹上的樹葉,我們與神並不是分開的,我們是有神性的。 這也許是許多人很難接受的,但這是事實。在我們沒有覺醒之前, 是無法驗證的。我們會覺得跟神是隔離的(包括對朋友、家人及環境 ),但是事實上,就像樹上眾多的樹葉,我們都是源於神的意識, 並與萬物是連結的。同樣的生命力流注於我們的身體, 同時同樣的流注於亞馬遜熱帶雨林中蝴蝶舞動的翅膀中。 這個神性是流注於我們大家體內並連結大家於 “世界萬物“ (“All-That-Is”) 的合一。”覺醒“ (awakened) 之人本質上就是可以看得見這個神性的人。 … 這變成他們生命的體驗; 這變成他們的真理。從這個觀點來看,一切都具有神性,所以一切都是完美的如其所是。 這一切無須評判或改變 … 只有安寧、採納與奇蹟。其餘的我們, 我們與生俱來的神性殘存於概念於我們的思想中。 我們也許能捕捉到一個瞬間,但它卻去匆匆, 一旦消失無影蹤時我們又徘徊感觸於分離、相距 … 與孤獨。
Our connection to the Divine resides in our Heart-space. However, unless and until we become ‘awakened’, our Heart-space must compete with our head-space for our attention, and as you have no doubt experienced, our head-space is usually so active its tough to ever notice anything else! So while there is never a moment when we are apart from the Divine, we are generally not aware of this connection. Building your Antaryamin is a way to bridge the gap between heart and head. It’s like introducing a new ‘friend’ to your mind; one that just happens to live within you. The stronger this relationship is, the more able you are to live from the heart, which is living with the Divine. To have a strong relationship, you need something tangible to relate to. Your Antaryamin needs a face and a personality, and ideally your relationship with it is modeled on a real-life relationship so that is can be more ‘real’ to your mind.
我們與神性的連結處於心房裡。旦除非直到我們”覺醒“, 我們的心房必須與腦袋爭寵,也相信你有經歷過, 我們的腦袋一般非常的活躍,也很難覺察到其他的任何事物! 所以雖然我們每一刻從未與神連相距過, 旦我們大多無法覺察這個連結。建設你的內在大我是縮短心與腦之間 距離的一個方法。就像介紹個新 ”朋友“ 給你的腦袋; 只是剛好這個朋有住在你的內在裡。這份關係越密切, 越能夠以心來活,也就是以神性來活。要擁有一個密切的關係, 你必須要有切實的關係。你的內在的大我需要一張臉和人格, 而理想上你的關係應該以現實生活中的關係作為典範, 所以這樣對腦袋來說比較”真實“。
To find your Antaryamin, close your eyes and bring your awareness to your heart. Breath deeply into your heart for a few minutes. Imagine you are before the Divine. Who is it that you see? Is it Jesus? Buddha? Mohammed? AmmaBhagavan? Krishna? Perhaps there is more than one Divine Being that is present. Or, perhaps you get a sense of a Light or a vast expanse, like the Universe? Don’t judge it, just observe who shows up, and what you feel as you relate to the Divine. Remember, once you embrace the concept that we are all part of one singular Divine Consciousness, all of the faces that you may see are simply different faces of the One Divine…what’s important is that you feel a strong and emotional connection to the identity that you choose as your Antaryamin because while the mind relates to things logically, the heart relates to things through feelings. When you feel a strong emotional connection you have discovered the ‘face’ or your personal Divine…your Antaryamin. Now begin a conversation with your Divine, like you would a best friend or grandfather. Share all your thoughts and feelings and dreams. Know that your Divine is there just for you; to love you totally and unconditionally, and to take care of your every need, without judgement, without reservation. Think of your personal Divine as being like the SIM card in a mobile phone…when its activated you are connected to the network; you are connected to the Divine Consciousness of All-That-Is.
要找到你的內在大我,閉上你的雙眼將你的覺察帶到心房。 持續幾分鐘深呼吸,深深的吸入你的心房。想像你在神的面前。 你看到誰?是耶穌嗎(Jesus)?菩薩(Buddha)? 是穆罕默德(Mohammed)?是阿瑪八關(AmmaBhagavan)? 克里希納(Krishna)? 或許有多於一位神在當下, 或也許你會感受到光或像宇宙般的強大擴張?不用評判它, 只要察覺誰來了和這位神與你之間的關連。 記得一旦你採納了我們都屬於一個神聖的合一意識的一部份的理念, 那你也許會察覺到這些神聖的臉孔只不過是同一個神… 更重要的是你須感受到與你所選擇的內在大我身分有著強烈情感上的 連結。因為當腦袋透過邏輯來理解事物,我們的心是透過情感。 當你強烈的感受到這情緒的連結,你就找到了所看到的”那張臉“, 也就是你自我的神性,屬於你的內在大我。這時, 請開始與你的內在大我溝通,就如同與你最要好的朋友或親人(原文 採用祖父,文化上的隱喻)。盡情的與它分享一切,你的想法, 你的感覺還有你的夢。要知道你的內在大我只是為你而服務;全然無條件的愛你, 不會指責你,也不會保留。這個內在的神性好比手機裡的SIM卡, 一旦開啓便連線了; 你是連結到世界萬物(All-That-Is)的神性知覺。
Often we will have a strong emotional connection to more than one image of the Divine. We may feel badly that we are paying more attention to one image over another. Or with time your Antaryamin may evolve and a different image emerges as more important or relevant leaving you feeling guilty about the image you have abandoned. Don’t fret! We all have so many different names and images that we go by depending on whether we are with our partner, parents, children, friends, teammates or workmates, but we are essentially the same person. It’s the same with the Divine….no matter the image you adopt, it is all one and the same Divine. If your image is something intangible, like a Light, or space, or energy, ask for a human image to appear. It is much easier for our mind to relate to something tangible than something amorphous. Also ensure your personal Divine is both sacred and powerful so that it can answer all your prayers. Essentially, you create your own experience of the Divine…if your image of the Divine is judgemental, that will be your experience. If your image is too grandfatherly, you may not be able to believe that it can carry you through dark times.
我們時常會對多位神聖影像產生強烈情感上的連結。 這導致我們覺得對某個神聖影像有偏袒的內疚感。 或由於時間的累積和內在大我的演進, 不同神聖的容貌會因為更重要或相關的事浮顯, 造成對替換掉的神聖形體產生罪責感。 其實我們不必為這兒苦惱或煩躁。其實我們針對另一半、對雙親、 對孩子、對隊友或工作夥伴有許多不同的稱呼與外貌, 但我們本質上是同一個人。對神性來說這是ㄧ體的… 無論你採納任何外表,它都是同一體的,是同一個神性。 如果你的影像難以形容,如光、空間、能量, 祈請一個人的影像浮顯。 對我們的腦袋來說有形的物體比沒有固定形狀的物體要來的容易理解 。同時確保你個人的神聖影像是聖潔強而有力的, 所以它能回應你所有的祈請。本質上你是在自創自己的神性體驗。如 果你的影像評頭論足、主觀臆斷,那將會是你的體驗。 如果你的神聖影像是過於慈祥的,你也許不會相信, 但它卻能幫助你渡過最黑暗的時期。
The key is to have an Antaryamin that you can relate to constantly, from the first waking moment each day until you close your eyes in the evening. Because it’s your personal Divine, it has no one else to look after….only you! Through your Antaryamin you connect to the ‘network’. No prayer or conversation is too small or insignificant. Like any relationship, it grows stronger through your attention and effort. It’s the same as with any friendship; the more you nurture it, the stronger it will become. Bit by bit your faith and trust in the Divine will also grow until you become so confident in the power and wisdom of the Divine within you that ‘you’ will simply step back and surrender to the Divine! Your ego melts into the Divine and the perceived separation evaporates. This is the awakened state…to live fully from the heart; fully as the Divine.
這關鍵在於你從每天醒的那個片刻到晚上睡覺閉眼, 這內在大我是你時時刻刻都可以聯繫的。 因為它是你私人專屬的內在神性,它不為他人而忙… 只為你服務。透過你的內在大我你連結到 “網路”,沒有不重要或任何微不足道的祈請或溝通。 它就像任何關係,會透過你的關注和努力而茁壯。就像任何友情;你 越孕育它,它就越堅強。一點一滴的, 你對這內在的神性的信心與信賴也會增長, 直到你確信這內在神性的力量與智慧而’你‘願意退步與臣服於它。 你的自傲將消失於這內在神性,而知感上的分離也將揮發。 這就是覺醒的狀態… 以心來體驗一切; 全然如實的體驗,如神一般。
This description is not meant as a substitute for the Oneness programs which provide an amazing process for discovering your Antaryamin. It will however, hopefully provide some clarity for those still wrestling with a clear concept of the Antaryamin, and provide an introduction to those who have not yet been through any of the Oneness programs. Finding your Antaryamin is such an essential step in moving closer to the Divine, and as they say, when you take one step towards God, He takes 1,000 steps towards you.
這些敘述,並不是要取代這令人驚喜的內在大我的合一活動過程。 然而是希望能理清內在大我的概念與提供從未接觸合一課程的一個介 紹。尋找你的內在大我是接近神的一個多麼重要的腳步。 當你走向神一步,它將向你走近一千步。
While much of this content is based upon Oneness teachings, there may be aspects which differ from such teachings and are reflections based upon my personal experiences.
雖說這些內容是依據合一教學所寫, 但某些層面因我個人的經歷而不同。
~ 祝福所有豐盛的能量都帶入您的內在以及心輪
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