
by gaeasky66





問題1 :印度有那麼多的靈性老師,為何印度還是有很多的社會問題和犯罪案?為什麼?這背後的原因是什麼?

Ananji : 當人類開始轉換的時候這些事情就會發生。人類必須被轉換,這樣國家才可以改變。很多老師,很多靈性大師和老師都在試圖轉換人類。的卻這會對人類造成一些影響。但對於真正轉換的發生,正確的時機必須到來。這些靈性大師,他們就像光的生命,他們都在保持和平衡這光,就這樣。但給予人類真正的轉換,對的時機必須到來。這樣教導和實修對你就會變得強大和偉大。所以不是人類創造時機,而是時機創造人類。所以這曾經發生在過去的時代。你們當中有些人聽過Lord Krishna。 Lord Krishna在地球出現過,他在靠近黑鐵時代出現。

在上一非常美好的個時代,人類是非常好並互相幫忙,這是美好的時代。在哪時代發生了一件事情。有一個人賣了土地給另一個人。買土地的人開始在挖掘土地。挖掘土地的過程中他發現土地裡的寶藏。一個充滿金幣的箱子。買土地的人把箱子和金幣交給賣土地的人並告訴他這箱子和金幣是屬於他的,並要求賣土地的人拿走。賣土地的人拒絕接受並說不不不。我賣土地給你,這寶藏應當是歸你的。但買土地的人卻說不不不,我只買土地不是寶藏,所以你必須把寶藏拿走。兩個人在互相爭執。他們去找國王。國王聽了他們的問題並要求他們過幾天再回來。 1星期後這兩個人再度回來。這時候,情況已經改變。買土地的人告訴買土地的人,寶藏是屬於我的。買土地的人說不不不,我只是賣你土地並沒有賣你寶藏,所以寶藏是屬於我的。國王開始迷惑並告訴他們這寶藏是屬於國家的。國王就拿走了寶藏。國王把寶藏帶給Lord Krishna 並告訴他一切的發生。


Lord Krishna 告訴國王這時代來臨了,鐵時代已經來了,它已經到了。這就是為什麼人類都開始轉變。所以只有時代創造人類。現在我們已經進入新的時代。現在我們開始轉換到新的金時代。人類會慢慢被轉換。現在所以的教導和實修將變得強而有力。你將接收很多的恩典。國家也會因此而改變。這是非常重要的。這時代一定要到來。



Ananji: 新的現象,時代正在改變和我們正在進入黃金時代。最重要的事情會發生在黃金時代就是你的神會實體實現於你。如果你向阿瑪巴關祈禱,阿瑪巴關將會從聖像中實體實現。如果你想基督祈禱,基督將會實體實現。如果你觀音祈禱,觀音會實體實現於你。所以這是將會發生的新現象,然而這已經在印度發生。所以這新現象即將12月未在馬來西亞和星加坡發生。所以我們會向你們介紹新的過程。我們將會把這過程在馬來西亞和星加坡不同的中心落實。所以目前的中心負責人或任何人想把它落實在中心或家的人皆可以申請。我們將會挑選你們。在這些中心,我們將會進行特別的過程。任何人想要他的神實體化,他們可以經歷這個過程。









每天有60人會被療瘉。每一天這60人將會被阿瑪巴關療瘉。 所以這就是目前在印度發生的。然後這將會在12月發生。阿瑪巴關或你的神將實體化,你的神會接管你和照料你的生活。但是你也必須照顧你的神。當你的神實體化時,你必須供奉他食物,準備地方給你的神休息。這取決於你跟神的關係,你的神會很友善的跟你在一起。比如說,你是單身的,你沒有足夠的地方給你的神,你的神會睡在你的身邊。你可以準備沙發給你的神,但如果你可以準備一個很好的床給你的神,你的神就會在那床上休息。然後你的生命就不會受苦。你就是變成宇宙之王。任何你在生命裡想得到的,你都會得到。 你的生命會變成非常簡單。這就是黃金時代。黃金時代的人類都會與神聊天走路。神是多麼的實體化,神會轉化你。所以你無處可逃。




問題: 這3間房間是實體的3間房間嗎?

Anandji : 是的。他們可以是3間獨立房間或是被隔離的。


問題: 任何一個人都可以走這過程嗎?

Anandji : 任何一個人都可以走這過程。合一祝福給予者或非合一祝福給予者,新人都可以去走這過程。





問題: 當神變得實體化時,這代表神會無時無刻的和我在一起?或是當我呼喚神的時候,神才會來?如何實體化?

Anandji : 一開始神也許會來來去去。有時候神將會來回應你,只要你呼喚他,神就會過來。但慢慢的,它將會變成24小時和永久。


問題: 在家中的每一個人都可以看見神嗎?

Anandji : 看情況而定。這可能會在家中的其中一員發生但慢慢的當神變得實體化,每個人都會看見和經驗它,然後每個人都可以看見。



問題: 我的神是阿瑪巴關,但母親的神是基督。如果我的神變得實體化,當我的母親來,她會不會同樣經驗基督的實體化?

Anandji : 基督,阿瑪巴關或是阿拉,每一個都是一樣的神,只有一個神。取決在那個人的製約,他們會看見他們的神或他們所相信的神。比如與韓國的Skype達選。有個韓國人看見巴關說話時,基督也在說話。有時候,阿瑪巴關會實現你的父親。所以會以個人想要的方式呈現,或是神會選擇呈現的方式。


Question 1       :There are so many spiritual guru in India, why there are still so many social problems and crimes in India? Why is it so? What is the reason behind it?   

Anandji   : All these things happened when people get transformed.  People should get transformed then only the country will changed.  Many guru, many spiritual masters and teachers have been trying to transform the people.  Definitely that are having some impacts to the people.  But for real transformation to happen, that time also should come.  These Spiritual Masters, they are like light life, they keep the lights and they keep the balance, that’s all.  But for the man to be real transformed, the time should come.  Then the teachings and the sadhanas will become very powerful and great to yourself.  So man does not create times, times create man.  So this happen in the previous age.  Some of you heard about Lord  Krishna.  Lord Krishna was there on the planet and he was at a very good and wonderful Age and  Iron Age was about to come.  Iron Age is the Age we are living now.  So it is at the end of the previous Age and the Iron Age was about to come.  At the previous Age, the people were very good and people were helping each other, it was a wonderful age.  One incident happened at that time.  There was a man who is selling his land to another man.  So this man bought this land and he was digging the land.  While he was digging the land, he found there was a treasure in the land.  A box full of gold coins.  So this man brought this box and gave it to the previous owner and told the previous owner to take this box as the land was belong to him and he should take the box of gold coins.  The previous owner refuse to take it and said no no no.  I sold the land to you and this treasure should belong to you.  But this man said no no no I only bought this land and not the treasure so you should have the treasure.  Both people are fighting.  They go to the King.  The King listened to the problem and asked them to come back after few days.  Both people came back after 1 week.  Now the whole situation has changed.   The man who bought the land told the previous owner this treasure belong to him.  The man who sold the land said no no no and saying he only sold the land and not the treasure, so the treasure belong to him.  The King was confused.  He told them this treasure belong to the Kingdom.  He took the treasure.  After that, he went to Lord Krishna and tell her the whole story.  Lord Krishna and then said the time has come.  The Iron Age has come, it has arrived.  That’s why people also changing.  So the time only create people.  Now we are entering a New Age.  Now we are going to shift to the New Golden Age.  People are slowly to get into transformed.  Now all these spiritual practices and sadhanas will bear very good results.  You will receive lots of grace.  The country will also be changed.  This is very important.  The time should come.


Question 2  : When the physical AB manifest in our home, do they need a place to sleep? Is the sofa good enough for them to rest?  Thank you very much.

Anandji   : The new phenomenon, the age is changing and we are entering the Golden Age.  The most important thing will happen in Golden Age is your Divine will become physical to you.  If you are praying for AB, AB will become physical from the Sri Murthi.   If you are praying to Christ, Christ will become physical.  If you are praying to Kuan Yin, Kuan Yin will become physical.  So this will be the new phenomenon to be happened and it is already happened in India.  So this phenomenon is most likely going to start in Malaysia and Singapore by end of December.  So we are going to introduce a new process.  We are going to do this process in the place called Oneness Center in different parts of Malaysia and Singapore.  All the existing centers you can also apply and for those whom wanted to start the centers at their home also can apply, we will be selecting you.  In these centers, we will be doing special process.  Anybody who wants their Divine to be physically, they can go through this process.  As you go through this process, your Divine will become physical to you. 

In this process, there will be 3 chambers.  The 1st chamber, we will be preparing you with some teachings and rituals, we will be preparing you.  Then you will be going to the 2nd chamber.  At the 2nd chamber, there will be Padukas.  You will be prepared and receiving Deeksha from the Padukas and the Padukas will be doing the process for you.  We  called it Sansasudin.  All the negative programs and negative charges which obstruct your Divine to be physical to you will be removed.  In this chamber, many things will be happen, your past life karmas will be cleansed.  Part life charges will be cleansed.  If you have any disease, disease will be healed.  It will be a very powerful process.  All cancer and health problems can be healed in this chamber.  Once sufficient process is done, you will be completely cleansed and then you will be taking to the 3rd chamber.  At the 3rd chamber, there will be Sri Murthy.  In the Sri Murthy, your Divine will be come out physically.  You will be able to see your Divine.  You can also listen to your Divine.  Depends on your conditions, which religions you come from, or which God you are believing in, and God will be physical to you.  Then it is all over and your Divine will be permanent with you.  You will be in touched with your Divine all the times.  Your Divine will be with you in your house.  Your Divine will go to your workplace, if you have any problems in your work, your Divine will be helping you. Like I say, if you are studying, you are a student, your Divine will be all the times guiding you.  Your Divine will be running business for you.  Like I say, if your business is not doing well, not very successful.  Your Divine will be take over from you, your Divine will run and your business will become very successful.   You have a health problem, your Divine will be completely heal you.  You have financial problem, the Divine will solve your financial problem.  You want to be awakened, your Divine will give you Deeksha for awakening quickly.  You want God Realization, more connected to your God, your Divine will give you Deeksha and your God Realization process will start.  You want your heart to flower, your Divine will give you Deeksha so that your heart will flowered.  Anything and everything, your Divine will give it to you.  Your Divine will become so physical to you.

Today I heard from a girl who is from Singapore.  She were telling how she forgot all the answers for her exam.  And AB is her Divine.  So AB wrote the exam.  AB guided her and wrote the exam, she doesn’t know any answer for the exam.  She didn’t know anything but she wrote 3 pages of the exam and AB drew the diagrams and did everything for her.  She was surprised and when she went home and read the book, all the written answers were written exactly the same as the book.  She doesn’t know anything.

And in India, AB is so physical to this lady.  AB is staying in her house, Amma is staying inside the house and Bhagavan is going out everyday to buy all the food and groceries that needed for the house and bring back to the home.  She did not spend any money and Bhagavan spends his own money.  She is not buying or repairing anything in the house and Bhagavan is taking care of the family.

In another family, Bhagavan is running the business.  This man is running corn business.  He grows corns and sells in the market.  AB always guiding him of what to do and what not to do.   One day, he got all the corns and on the way to the market for selling.  But Bhagavan blocked his vehicle and told him not to sell it now.  Asked him to sell it after a week as the price will be going up.  He sold after one week and he got RUPEE 300,000 for his profit. 

There is a Oneness Center at India called 60 beds hospital.  Anybody with health problem will go to this Oneness Center.  So they go there and they will go through the process and they will completely knock down.  All healings will happen and they will be put on the beds.  And 60 people will be going through one after another one, they will be healed.  Everyday 60 people will get healed.  Everyday these 60 people will healed by AB. 

So this is how it is happening everywhere in India.  And this will be start happening in December.      AB or your Divine will become physical and your Divine will take over and take care of your life.  But you should also taking care of your Divine.  As your Divine is physical, you should give food to your Divine and give your Divine a place to rest.  Depends on your relationship with your Divine, your Divine will be friendly with you.  Like for example if you are a bachelor, you don’t have sufficient space for your Divine, your Divine will be sleeping just beside you.  You can give a sofa to your Divine, your Divine will be lay down on the sofa.  But if you can provide a nice bed for your Divine, your Divine can rest on the bed.  Then you won’t be suffering in your life.  You are like the king of the universe.  Everything you want in your life, you will get it.  Your life will become very easy.  That is Golden Age.  Golden Age man will walking and talking with God.  The God become so physical, the God will transform you.  So you cannot escape. 

There is one lady in India always shouting to everybody.  Bhagavan become physical to her.  And Bhagavan warn her and saying :’ I no more taking such behavior from you.  No more adjustments.  I won’t adjust.  You have to stop your behavior.  If you shout again in your house, I will leave this house.  You should not raise your voice.”  This lady was frightened.  And she told Bhagavan she won’t shout and please don’t go.  Bhagavan said this is my house and you should not shout in this house.  So from there on, she never raise her voice.  One day, her husband wanted to go out and she wanted to ask him to get some items from the shop.  But without tell her, he walked out from the house.  She wanted to call him but Bhagavan told him not to raise your voice.  He left the house.  She talked to Bhagavan what is all this.  You asked me not to raise my voice and how to call him without raising the voice.  I don’t know and I want vegetables today and Bhagavan you should do something.  And the husband who already went out and came back and asked her, did you call me?  Bhagavan called him in her own voice.  Your Divine will become so physical, so alive and so real to you.  So this is the New Age.  Are you ready for this?  But then you won’t have any freedom.  You cannot behave like what you are behaving now.  Are you all ready?  If you are not ready, then you have to suffer in your life.  Do you want to suffer or you want your Divine to run your life?  What do you want?  This is what going to be happened. 

So now you all can start to giving names who want to run this center.  They should be trainers and only trainers able to do it.  So they have to send their names to us and the Divine will be selecting you.  And we will be training you to run these centers.   That is the new phenomenon. 


Question  :       Are the 3 rooms to be 3 physical rooms?
Anandji   :       Yes.  They can be 3 individual rooms or even partitioned. 

Question : Can everybody go through this process?
Anandji   :  Anybody can go.  Deeksha Giver or non Deeksha Giver, new people also can go.

Anandji  :  For this special deepening, which is 10 days away, we are going to start this phenomenon.  Those people who coming for this deepening, we will initiate them in this process.  For them, we will taking them through this process.  And the Divine will become physical.

We will be having this special deepening and we will be having this phenomenon and process for your awakening and God Realization.  We will be starting the process here and slowly by end of December, we will also start in Malaysia.  Of course for those who will be coming to this Special Deepening will be a big wave as it will be better to have the process at OU.    The preparation can be done and it will be very powerful for you.

So nobody is afraid and everybody is ready?  If you are afraid, the Divine won’t be physical to you.   You should love your Divine and you want your Divine, so that the Divine will be physical to you.  The Divine will be so friendly and love you so much.  The Divine will take care and protect you so much.  Like in the house, Amma cooks everyday for that lady.  So physical.  In India, the Divine become physical is already common.  Initially you may be afraid, but it will become common and your life will be so enjoyable.  You won’t have any confusion in life and being guided.  For example for people in the OU,  so whatever decision we want to take, we asked the Divine.  For example, we are building a fountain, we asked the Divine, what colour, what paints should be applied on it and the Divine will choose the colour. 

So you will be fully protected and guided.  Anyway, we are going very slowly as you are afraid.  We will be preparing the people in the Deepening.  So they won’t have fears and out of the fears and they will living physically with the Divine.  The Divine not only help you, but will also help others. 

Question  :When the Divine become physical, does it mean the Divine will be with me all the times or when I call the Divine, the Divine comes?  What does it mean physical?

Anandji   :Initially the Divine may be coming now and then.  Sometimes the Divine will come and response, whenever you call, the Divine will come.  But slowly it will become 24 hours and permanently. 

Question  : Will everybody in the house see the Divine also?
Anandji   :  It depends.  It may only happen to 1 person in the house but slowly when the Divine become more physical,  everybody will be able to experience, and then everybody will be able to see. For example, there is one place in India.  The Divine is so physical in the house.  So you can speak or phone the Divine.  There is a phone number, you called the phone number, and the person in the house will answer and will leave the phone to the Sri Murthy.   You can speak to AB and AB will speak back to you.  The number of people has increasing so much and guides not able to get through and the phone number always get busy.  So AB said they want separate lines for guides.  This is my personal number and I will only speak to guides through this phone number.  Whenever you want to speak to AB, you call this number and you speak.

Question  : My Divine is AB and my mum’s Divine is Jesus.  If my Divine becomes physical at my place, and when my mum come, will my mum experience Jesus here also?

Anandji   : Jesus, AB or Allah, everybody  are all the same God, only one God.  Depends on the person condition, they will see their God or the God they are believing.  For example, there was a Skype Darshan with Koreans.  One Korean saw Jesus was speaking while Bhagavan was speaking.  Sometimes AB may appear as your father.  So the Divine may come in the form of the person wants or the Divine  will choose the form to come. 

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